The Rocky Road Ahead: Balancing Competing Interests

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by Roderick C. Flynn
Production/Release Date: April 2011

In Production

Papers presented at the 21st Annual CAPSLE Conference in Calgary, 2010.

  1. Balancing Competing Interests in Professional Discipline Proceedings
    James T. Casey
  2. School Boards and Vicarious Liability
    Teresa Drijber and Bruce Hutchison
  3. Love, Lust and Learning: "Distinguishing the Permissible from the Forbidden" in Student-Faculty Relationships
    Kevin S. Feth and Anne L.G. Cote
  4. At Law’s End: In-School Administrator’s Exercise of Discretion in Disciplinary Decision-Making
    Nora M. Findlay
  5. Inclusive Education: Opportunities for Re-Design
    Kerri Joffe and Roberto Lattanzio
  6. The Ontario College of Teachers’ Innovative Approach to Dispute Resolution
    Dianne A. Paquette
  7. Off Duty Conduct: How Bright is the Line?
    Ian C. Pickard and Cindy Locke
  8. From Jones to Blackett: Responsibility, the Public Interest and Choice
    Frank Peters
  9. Health and Safety: The Intersection of Perspectives on What Makes a School Safe
    Victoria Réaume and Christopher Perri
  10. Marketing, Risk Management and Academic Freedom in the Modern University
    Francine Rochford
  11. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter & Blogs: How to Manage Social Media in a School Employment Context
    Eric M. Roher and Kate A. Zavitz
  12. Overcoming Legal Barriers to Using Restorative Practices in Ontario Schools
    Kate Waters
  13. The New Human Rights System in Ontario: Where are Teachers’ Human Rights Being Litigated
    Robyn White and Immanuel Lanzaderas
  14. A New Literacy Needed: Civil Liberties
    Shirley Van Nuland, Hanna Scott, Susan Sydor and Daniel McLaughlin