2001: An Education Law Odyssey

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by Roderick C. Flynn
Production/Release Date: March 2005
Classification: Publications

Papers presented at the 12th Annual CAPSLE Conference in Vancouver, 2001.


  1. Freedom of Expression
    Thomas R. Berger
  2. Discipline Options Available to a School Board Employer Following Criminal Charges and/or a Criminal Conviction of a Teacher
    Allan E. Black & Lisa Riddle
  3. Colleges of Teachers: Potholes on the Road to Better Regulation
    Eric J. Bundgard
  4. Copyright Ownership of Teacher-Prepared Teaching Materials: An Examination of Issues in the Contemporary Context
    W. Rod Dolmage and Paul Clarke
  5. Sexual Orientation Issues in the Classroom
    Doug Dorward
  6. Letters of Reference: A Brief Discussion Paper
    Paul Fairweather and Kieran Siddall
  7. Standardized Teacher Evaluation: New Regime or Impossible Dream?
    Richard Evenson and Roderick Flynn
  8. Publication of College Discipline Decisions: The Perspective of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia
    Celia Francis
  9. Beyond Trends: Education in a Made-to-Measure Future
    Donald Goodridge
  10. Rights and Limitations on Parents to Express Their Views
    Joyce Gram
  11. Physical Education Ontario Safety Guidelines
    Teresa Hepburn
  12. Religion Needs to Get Back to School
    Lee Hollaar, Ph.D.
  13. Judging Supervision: Second Guessing the Administration of Schools
    John Judson, Allyson Otten and Sarah Colman
  14. The Spectre of Parental & Intruder Harassment
    R.G. Keel
  15. Right to Remain Silent Versus the Duty to Report
    Bruce Laughton
  16. Student Free Expression in Canada: How Free is the Educational Marketplace and What Ideas Can Be Put on the Market?
    A. Wayne MacKay
  17. Sexual Misconduct: Detection, Prevention, Investigation
    Ruth Milliken
  18. Understanding the Professional Relationship: Respecting the Boundaries
    Marie Kerchum and Shirley Nakata
  19. Liability for Negative Job References – A Case for a Duty of Fairness and Care
    Randy Noonan
  20. Teacher Expression in the Charter Era
    Joshua S. Phillips and David A. Wright
  21. The Responsibilities For Out of School Conduct of Students: The Duty to Discipline and Supervise
    Ian C. Pickard and S. Leigh Davis
  22. New and Improved: The Changing Role of the Principal
    Eric M. Roher
  23. What Will Teachers Do for Their Pay in the Twenty-First Centure?
    Elizabeth J. Shilton and Fay C. Faraday
  24. The Safe Schools Act of Ontario: A Less for the Rest of the Country – How Not To Do It
    John P. Bell and Jennifer Trépanier
  25. Freedom of Expression and Unauthorized Student Publications
    Robert W. Weir
  26. Judicial Review of School Reorganization Decisions: The School Board as Manager
    Rodney J. Zdebiak